
Back Pain

Back pain (dorsalgia) is as common as breathing. Nearly all people experience back pain at some point in life. This ailment ranks at number five for being a frequent reason for doctor visits. Back pain results from a number of musculoskeletal injuries and common spine conditions.

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Back Pain Relief

If back pain is interrupting the normal daily routines of your life, it is time to seek help at Preferred Spine & Rehab. Our Fairview Heights pain relief experts and certified chiropractors will work one-on-one with you in choosing the best method of pain management, as well as designing a customized wellness plan.

Lower Back Pain Causes

Lower Back Pain

Back Pain Symptoms

Besides the obvious symptom of back pain, there are a few more indicators of back pain that are not so obvious. These symptoms include:

  • Muscle ache

  • Radiating leg pain

  • Range of motion and flexibility is limited

  • Standing straight is difficult or impossible