Back Pain
Back pain (dorsalgia) is as common as breathing. Nearly all people experience back pain at some point in life. This ailment ranks at number five for being a frequent reason for doctor visits. Back pain results from a number of musculoskeletal injuries and common spine conditions.
Back Pain Relief
If back pain is interrupting the normal daily routines of your life, it is time to seek help at Preferred Spine & Rehab. Our Fairview Heights pain relief experts and certified chiropractors will work one-on-one with you in choosing the best method of pain management, as well as designing a customized wellness plan.
Lower Back Pain Causes
Lower Back Pain
Back Pain Symptoms
Besides the obvious symptom of back pain, there are a few more indicators of back pain that are not so obvious. These symptoms include:
Muscle ache
Radiating leg pain
Range of motion and flexibility is limited
Standing straight is difficult or impossible